Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Deforestation - 1125 Words

Deforestation is one of the most challenging problems we face in our world today. A problem that, if it continues, could have devastating consequences for all life on earth. Life on earth is a delicate system of checks and balances that keep everything running smoothly. When something in the system is changed other things must be moved around to make up for the changes. So, when a large area of forest is destroyed and the species that lived there are forced to relocate elsewhere the tension that results from this has to be worked out one way or another. Often times nature can take care of it on its own after all harsh storms and fires are nothing new. But, when this tension is continuously being built up by the constant removal of forests†¦show more content†¦Just here in America, pioneers heading to the west cut down approximately 177 million square miles of forests by 1850, and nearly 300 million square miles by 1910(ci). Which leads us to where we are today. Our water, ai r, and forests are not bound by national borders which means that deforestation is not the problem of one nation, but of all nations. We all depend on the ecological services on this earth and we all play a hand in causing its destruction. Deforestation is happening all over the world not just in the Amazon rainforest so what we do at home every day can have an impact on this issue. Most deforestation is a result of our consumption and demand for products so avoiding products or companies that are particularly harmful to forests is a good first step. Take for example, asking for the source of a wood and rejecting it if it comes from the rainforest can help efforts to conserve the rainforest. Another way one could help would be by eliminating meat from their diet. Cattle from the Amazon basin are more likely to be raised on ranches that used to be part of the rainforest and the soybean farms, used to feed the cattle, are also contributing to deforestation(ci). Now, cutting meat entir ely out of one’s diet is difficult especially for lower income families as meat is cheaper that fruits and vegetables. But just reducing the amount consumed can be effective and coupling itShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Factory Farming703 Words   |  3 PagesPersuasive Essay #2 Factory farming describes how large modern farms produce food in large quantities for a small cost. Factory farms, however, pollute the air by releasing harmful gases. They practice deforestation to claim more farmland. Factory farms pollute our waters to keep costs low. Factory farming is harming the environment Nobody denies that the need for more food grows with the global population. 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